4:41am and I decide to get an early start on the day. A nice cup of coffee and breakfast in my pocket (jerky and a Payday bar), I'll be off at first light. My only water source is a long 11 miles farther along.
I did my first 11 by 11. Eleven miles by 11 o'clock. I was aided by lower temps, a very early start and the fear there wouldn't be water at the third gate cache. Had this been true I would have had to continue on another ten miles-a 21 mile day to Barrel Springs. I did not want to do that. Fortunately the Third Gate Cache Angels were here recently and dropped off 91 gallons of water. Bless them! So we will see how I recover in the shade for a couple of hours then I'll make the decision about how much farther to go today.
Four hours recovering in the shade of a juniper bush and the plan is to continue on four more miles till I get to a campsite at mile 95. Fourteen miles is enough for one day.
Evening- I guess I went about four miles this afternoon. As I left third gate I could see clouds coming in over the hill tops and as the day progressed it got foggier and even more foggy than that. I was hiking like a mad woman, trying to find a sheltered spot. I had hoped to avoid using my tarp since
It is huge, meant for stringing between trees and not meant for the kind of small spaces around here. By the time I found a spot I was soaked with sweat and rushing about trying to fit a large tarp into a small space. I've got it up but it is wonky and I hope it holds in the winds. Just one adventure after another around here!
The San Felipe Hills are a hard place to travel. Twenty-three waterless miles, hot and clear skies one day and socked in with wind and fog the next. Ya just gotta be prepared for any eventuality, or so it seems. It's been a slice but I don't have the need to return to these hills any time soon. Just sayin.
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