I have been in great turmoil lately, trying to decide what kind of journal I want to use for my upcoming PCT hike. I started with Postholer.com and would like to use their set-up but I can't seem to get photos to upload onto the website. I
could use a second application to get my photos smaller but that adds yet another layer of complication to the picture. Plus, I can't put any videos onto Postholer and I would like to be able to do that. The best thing about Postholers site is that it is a well known site and lots of people will easily find it and hopefully follow the blog.
Another option is to use this blog as my trail journal. I am familier with this site so it easier for me to manage. I have been able to put videos and images on here in the past, though they have been made on a camera with much smaller image sizes. If I had lots of computer experience and knew the ins and outs of the beasts it probably wouldn't seem so daunting, but I don't and it does. There you have it.
Part of the difficulty is that my newly purchased, for this trip, super expensive iPhone 4S will not allow me to make the adjustments necessary to shrink my images to the correct size for emailing to either site. So here I have this wonderful camera phone with lots of capacity but no way to upload it to journal sites.
Anyone got any ideas?
I'm about 5 minutes away from pulling out my crummy little 4 megapixal camera (that uses AA batteries), some paper and a pencil and calling it done. HELP!