Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Day 6 - I'll be here for a few days

The local clinic here in Idyllwild is a very nice place to get medical help. I saw Brenda, the NP and she didn't cut on or otherwise hurt me but did prescribe antibiotics, seven days worth. The Pharmacist suggested probiotics to go along with the antibiotics so I have those to take as well. Add in soaking with epsom salts and my plan is to be healed enough to get back on the trail by Friday or Saturday. Hopefully my toe will go along with the plan. 


  1. Gotta get that healed up fast.... six days on the trail is waaaay to early to be having medical issue.

    1. You got that right John. So far so good and I'm thinking I'll be good to go soon. Kind of embarrassing though to haul off so soon...

  2. Glad you are taking care of your toe, Shelly, before it got any worse. When feet talk, we gotta listen. Hope you 'heel' quickly. (Sorry, couldn't help myself.) -- julie o.

    1. Thanks Julie. I'm getting feedback from everyone around me to wait till it's completely healed......noooooooo!

  3. Comforting to know that you're taking care of yourself, and that you have great friends to take care of you, too!! Cristie

  4. Absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. Better to take care of it now than to ruin the rest of your trip. Obstacles are bound to come in your way during your journey. The trick is to problem solve and then get on with achieving your goal. You have a good head on your shoulders.

  5. There once was a gal named Shel
    Whose trek started off quite swell
    But then that damn toe
    Did make things go slow
    Here's hoping it all turns out well!
