I didn't get very far today, only the two miles to KM campground - plus the 200 yards or so I traveled to set up my tent outside the boundaries of the cg. I could have gone two miles more to the Kern River but I figured I needed the oxygen more than the two miles. Plus it is beautiful here. And quiet. How nice it is to be here?
This afternoon as I was walking along to this spot, I began counting up my meals in my head and started getting a sneaking feeling I had miscalculated the meals needed to get all the way to Onion Valley. Sure enough when I got here I laid out all my chow and found I have dinners and lunches for only five days, not seven. I know how I screwed up and it's a silly, boring mistake. Not worth detailing.
Considering my options I thought I could walk back to KM and buy more meals, if there was any food to purchase. I don't remember seeing anything but sodas and chips when I was there but then again, I wasn't looking for meals. Another option is to hike for three days and go out over Trail Pass and down into Horseshoe Meadow. Then I somehow get a ride the 19 miles to Lone Pine and pick up some more food there. This doesn't add too many more trail miles and would be easier than going out over Whitney to Whitney Portal. Way easier. That means leaving the trail twice in the space of eight days but it seems the best option for Major Screwup Herself. Plus I've never gone out Trail Pass to Horse Shoe Meadows and that would be a cool new experience. Pollyanna wins out!
The images are of the gals at KM, Tom's cyber cafe, etc and of Dancing Feet.
P.S. - B.N. I owe you three bucks. I'm good for it.
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