I had been planning to head to South Lake Tahoe and hike south from there with a woman I met last summer on the trail named Sunshine. A combination of transportation conundrums and fires in Yosemite (it’s currently closed) had me change my mind. Instead I’m on a road trip up through Oregon and Washington to visit friends for a couple of weeks. I’ll end up at the gorge for the PCT Days where I’m volunteering. I’ve never been to this event before so I’m looking forward to attending.
If all goes well I’ll head south to Etna Summit and hike north to where I got air lifted, turn around and hike back to my car. Getting back in the saddle as it were. I might then go to Sierra City and pick up a missing 10 mile section. If I’m still into it and not ready to go home yet, I’ll bop on down 395 and do a section from Horseshoe Meadows to Crabtree Meadows and back to HM. That’ll be it for the PCT this season.
Tonight I’m camped at Fowler Campground, near Fowler Creek, which I can hear in the distance. It must be 80 degrees still, at 5:15 pm. As you can see I have my hammock up and will be sleeping outside, instead of in my camper. It’s WAY too hot for indoor sleeping. There are bear boxes here, which is new, I don’t recall them being here last fall. I guess Yogi found out about campers and ice chests. I am pleased by this since I now don’t have to concern myself with wondering whether or not a bear will wish to dismantle my vehicle for its yummy food stuffs. A win-win for everyone. Well, except the bear. They have to content themselves with grubs and berries.
I’ll say one more thing. Today when I was driving and almost to Dunsmuir I decided to pull off at the PCT under crossing of Hwy 5. This is generally a difficult spot to get to town from as hitching from the freeway is illegal. So I pulled off and turned right to see if anyone was at the trailhead. It’s a bit of a drive, crossing the river and train tracks, so it is confusing for folks heading north. Low and behold as I drove up there was a young man just stepping off the trail. I lowered my window and asked him if he needed a ride somewhere and you should have seen the look on his face. It’s hard to describe but the look is a mix of relief and joy. I’ve been there many times so it is always a boost for me when I can help a hiker out.
Turns out he is from Austria and just out of high school. He started around mile 560 in late June, doing 20-30 miles a day. He was tall, skinny and had almost walked out of his shoes they were so trashed. He wanted to go the outfitters in Mt Shasta, looking to get new shoes and socks. He sure needed them. That young man needed a lot of eating, new gear and a hot shower. I hope he got it.
This might be some of my most favorite things about the PCT. I get to meet people I’d never get to meet otherwise and experience the simple joy of a ride to town. Both as a receiver and as a giver. I know from experience how much this means at the end of a long day when you are tired and hungry and you don’t know how the heck you are going to get to town. It is very elemental.
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