Saturday, March 17, 2012

New pack (almost) done!

Is anything ever done, as in complete? I doesn't seem so. At any rate, this pack is done, expect for the sternum strap... somehow I lost the hardware for this pack. Never mind. Remind me though, if I start talking about making another pack, just what a pain in the arse it is! Geeze.

It probably took me 30 hours to get this far... not really the time to do this when I'm trying to get ready to hike the PCT. Much more important stuff to do. The weight, without the sternum strap? 16.1 ounces. Not too shabby - Woohoo!!!

Back of pack with sit pad in its sleeve
Side of pack
Front of pack
Roll top with Y strap that goes over the top.

What made this pack more complicated to make was using a pre-made aluminum stay on the inside back of the pack. This meant I had to figure out how to make a channel for the stay to slip into without it slipping back out again, as well as figuring out where to put it. Plus adding in the sit pad sleeve made the whole thing much more time consuming. Lots of sit'in and stare'in on my part on this one. A challenge though!

1 comment:

  1. Terrific looking pack - and figuring out to incorporate the stay is pretty impressive! I'd say that if this hiking thing doesn't work out, you could have another career opportunity! :)
