Plus there were cow “plops” above and right in the pool of water that crossed the trail. Cows are cute and all but they sure tear up water sources. I’m glad I got mine last night and didn’t have to get more this morning.
Again, the skies were very smoky this morning. Seemingly thicker than yesterday and it affected my breathing somewhat. Not horribly but it affected my mood. I just wanted to get out and into better air. 
It does make for interesting light though.
I simply put my head down and walked, reaching the high point about 10:30. Once I started the 3 mile down hill part of the hike to my car I finally arrived back to a no burn area. I hadn’t noticed it on the way in as it was just forest. It was only once I’d been in fire devastated area for so many miles that I recognized the relief of being back under healthy trees.
And flowers!
48 hours after leaving my vehicle at the trailhead I walked back out to my van. Relieved to have made it out without having to walk in the heat of the day and anxious for a shower.
It was a successful trip by any account. I’m pleased to have gotten the missing miles done and happy to have made it without injury, other than the oh-so-sore muscles in my legs. Ouch. But they will repair in a couple of days and I’ll be good to go. I’ll decide tomorrow whether or not to continue on to Sierra City to pick up the missing 10 miles in that area. In the meantime, goodbye to the